Alison Andrew
Dr. Alison Andrew is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics at Oxford University, which she joined in 2022 after completing her PhD from UCL. She is a development and labour economist with a particular focus on gender. Much of her current work focuses on the work, aspirations, and realities of young women, and the relationship between these and gendered preferences, norms, and social networks. She has a particular interest in developing novel survey instruments that are able to identify structural parameters under few assumptions. Her job-market paper, which developed such survey instruments, was included in the ReStud North American tour. Some of her recent papers are conditionally accepted at the Journal of Political Economy and forthcoming at the Review of Economics and Statistics. She also has significant experience in policy work and public communication of research, having recently co-authored a chapter on gender for the Institute for Fiscal Studies Deaton Review of Inequalities and having done extensive media work around this.