The G²LM|LIC and STEG programmes are excited to announce a joint call for research proposals, inviting Expressions of Interest (EOIs). This initiative seeks to deepen our understanding of the evolving nature of work and women’s roles in these transformations, with a special focus on Sub-Saharan Africa. Projects with a focus on Ethiopia, Kenya, or Nigeria…
Policy Conference and Impact Evaluation Course in Cairo
The G²LM|LIC Programme organised a policy conference and an Advanced Evaluation Social Programmes course jointly with J-PAL MENA at The American University in Cairo (AUC) and UNICEF Egypt. The events took place from November 10 to 13, 2024 and were hosted at AUC in Cairo. The policy conference featured an insightful keynote on women in…
Call for Applications: Advanced Course on Evaluating Social Programmes
The G²LM|LIC Programme is pleased to announce a 3-day course on evaluation methods joint with J-PAL MENA and UNICEF Egypt on November 11-13, 2024 in Cairo, Egypt. The target audience are postgraduate students, faculty members, and early career researchers in government and non-governmental organisations who would like to develop their skills in programme evaluation using…
G²LM|LIC Policy Meeting on April 18, 2024: Boosting Women’s Labour Force Participation – Evidence from Western and Sub-Saharan Africa
Thank you to all speakers, Andy Hinsley from FCDO for contributing the introductory remarks and all participants for an interesting discussion! The online workshop assembled recent empirical evidence on possibilities to improve the position of women in the labour market and their access to it in Western and Sub-Saharan Africa and discusses policy solutions. The…
New synthesis paper published!
A new G²LM|LIC synthesis paper by Michelle Rao and Gabríela Diaz-Pardo (both LSE) systematically reviews the literature on the impact of cash transfers on women’s employment and empowerment, covering 30 cash transfer programs on adult women across 19 lower and middle-income countries, using data from the G²LM|LIC Jobs of the World database. Find the paper…
G²LM|LIC Mentoring/H.E.R. – Career Structures in Economics
On March 6 and 7, a joint workshop of G²LM|LIC and LSE’s Hub for Equal Representation in the Economy (H.E.R.) took place at LSE in London. Eight mentees from the G²LM|LIC Mentoring Programme were selected to join a conference on Career Structures in Economics, to present their mentored paper and attend a session on research…
G²LM|LIC & BREAD Conference on Development Economics
On Friday, December 15 and Saturday, December 16, 2023 the G²LM|LIC and BREAD Conference on Development Economics took place in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference consisted of presentations of advanced stage research by senior or junior researchers, and presentations of early stage research by junior researchers. A special feature of the conference was that eight young…
Reminder: Call for Applications for FREE Online Development Economics Course
The IZA/FCDO Programme on Gender, Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries (G²LM|LIC) is sponsoring the ONLINE EVENT: “Development Economics Course”, January 15 – March 18, 2024. The course is free of charge for the participants. Application deadline is November 10, 2023. Watch the trailer for the course here! Students and researchers from Africa are…
Call for Applications: IZA/FCDO Online Development Economics Course
We are happy to announce that the IZA/FCDO Programme on Gender, Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries (G²LM|LIC) is sponsoring the ONLINE EVENT: “Development Economics Course”, January 15 – March 18, 2024. The course is free of charge for the participants. PLEASE NOTE: This course was previously announced for September – November 2023. Due…
Call for Papers: Joint G²LM|LIC/BREAD Conference
G²LM|LIC and the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD) are pleased to announce a joint Conference on Development Economics which will take place on Friday, December 15 and Saturday, December 16 in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference will consist of presentations of advanced stage research by senior or junior researchers, and presentations of…