A new G2LM|LIC dataset is in preparation. The Global Jobs Database harmonises all available micro datasets that contain information on labour market activities and poverty to create a multi-country macro data-set that contains: LFP, occupational choices (sector, casual vs regular, wage vs self-employment), earnings, hours worked, seasonality all by gender, education, age groups and wealth. This dataset will serve two purposes: (i) It will allow researchers to compare their particular setting to averages in the same country or region to get a sense of how widespread patterns are and therefore the extent to which their research can be informative for other settings, and (ii) It will allow to identify unexplained patterns and gaps in research.
The video below provides a short summary of the database. The database is part of the data building activities in the G2LM|LIC program which aims at studying gender, growth, and labour markets in low-income countries.