The IZA/FCDO online short course on research skills for Sub-Saharan Africa took place on 17 and 18 December 2020. The event was attended by 250 participants from 33 African countries. The course consisted of teaching videos and an online Q&A. The lectures covered several relevant topics for researchers and were given by Oriana Bandiera (London School of Economics and IZA) on Writing and Presenting, Adnan Khan (London School of Economics) on Collaborating with Policy Makers, Imran Rasul (University College London and IZA) on Publishing, and Munshi Sulaiman (International Growth Centre) on Field Research. In addition to the short course, 45 online mentoring sessions were provided for young researchers to have an opportunity to discuss their current research with experienced researchers. This capacity-building activity is intended to develop essential research skills learning environment, enabling young researchers to improve their skills through individual mentoring from senior researchers with specific expertise.