Juan Pablo Rud
Prof. Juan Pablo Rud is a Professor in Economics at Royal Holloway, a research fellow at the IZA Institute of Labour Economics, and a research associate at the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS). He has completed his PhD in Economics at the London School of Economics. Prof. Rud works in Development Economics using microeconometrics and impact evaluation techniques. His current research focuses on labor markets and the public sector in developing countries, among other fields such as environment and climate change (for which he has won a large ESRC grant). He has published in leading peer-reviewed journals in Economics such as The Economic Journal, AEJ Economic Policy, and Journal of Development Economics, as well as high-impact outlets such as Food Policy and World Development. Prof. Rud has an extensive network of industry contacts and often collaborates with non-university partners such as the EBRD, IGC, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and others.