Ija Trapeznikova
Dr. Ija Trapeznikova is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at Royal Holloway and a research associate at the Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies in Riga, Latvia. She has obtained her PhD from Northwestern University (IL, USA). Dr. Trapeznikova’s research lies at the intersection of Macroeconomics and Labour Economics, studying general equilibrium models of individuals and firms and how their behavior is affected by different policies. Dr. Trapeznikova‘s recent line of work (joint with Prof. Juan Pablo Rud) looks at employment, productivity growth, and inequality in the development context, focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Trapeznikova has extensive experience working with matched employer-employee data, as well as individual-level surveys, and she brings expertise in econometrics and labor market modeling. She has published in highly ranked general interest journals such as the Economic Journal and International Economic Review. Dr. Trapeznikova has previously served as a short-term consultant for the World Bank working on projects on youth employment in Africa and unemployment in Latvia.