Tigabu Degu Getahun
Dr. Tigabu Degu Getahun is the Lead Researcher at the Policy Studies Institute (PSI, formerly Ethiopian Development Research Institute, EDRI) and researcher at EconInsight. He has a PhD from University of Bonn (2015) and has over ten years of experience with evaluating policies affecting gender relations, employment and poverty in Ethiopia. Getahun has since 2008 played an important role in contributing to the evidence base for the decision making of the Ethiopian government and donors in Ethiopia on issues such as job creation, small, medium and large scale manufacturing enterprise development, vulnerable girls and drop-outs from school and poverty, and women empowerment effects of the rose farm industry expansion. He has conducted research and commissioned work for European Commission, the World Bank, UNU-WIDER, the Stanford Centre for International Development, International Labor Organization, and POWER Africa (CARE Canada), among others. His work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Development Studies, and the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.