Phase IV
GLM|LIC has started Phase IV of its research funding activities, with the overall objective of delivering a significant new body of evidence on growth and labor markets to help shape future policies in low-income countries. Capacity building through involvement of researchers in low-income countries is strongly encouraged.
Research projects can be proposed for the following research areas:
- Growth and Labour Market Outcomes
- Active Labour Market Policies, Labour Market Institutions and Labour Market Frictions
- Human Capital and Labour Productivity
- Migration and Labour Markets
- Labour Market Dimensions of Population Dynamics, Urbanisation, and the Environment
There are three cross-cutting themes that researchers are encouraged to address under any of the above research areas:
- Gender
- Fragile States and Region
- Improving Data for Labour Market Research
Documents and Electronic Application Portal
Please see the below files for more detailed information about the Call and use the forms and template for your proposal:
- Instructions for Applicants
- Specifications Phase IV
- Applicant Statement Form
- Partner Statement Form
- Budget Form
- Project Proposal Template
- Grant Agreement Sample
An archive file including all documents is available for download here. A list of all countries defined as LICs for this call is available here.