A GLM|LIC research project conducted by economists Sam Asher (World Bank) and Paul Novosad (Dartmouth College) evaluates the impacts of India’s $40 billion national rural road construction program (PMGSY) on village labour and goods markets. Prior research suggested that road infrastructure benefited rural economies in a broad range of ways, but few of these studies…
Wage Growth and Social Security Reform
Given the high urban unemployment rate in Ethiopia, it is crucial to understand the impact of the pension reform on the private sector’s ability to create better quality jobs as well as its implications on productivity and wages. Admasu Shiferaw (College of William and Mary), Måns Söderbom (University of Gothenburg), Arjun Bedi (Erasmus University Rotterdam…
IZA/DFID Conference on Labour Markets and Short Course on Program Evaluation in Eastern Africa
On the 6 and 7 December 2018, IZA and DFID hosted the conference on Labour Markets in Eastern Africa: Evidence and Policy Lessons at the UNECA Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The goal of this conference is to bring together academic researchers, policy makers, and representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations engaged in labour market…
Wages and Structural Change in Zimbabwe’s Manufacturing Sector
Manufacturing has experienced dramatic structural change and economic shocks in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwean formal and informal manufacturing firms operate in an environment of economic volatility and policy uncertainty. The challenges to growth and recovery are severe and require rigorous economic analysis drawing on a detailed understanding of the field and relevant high-quality data. Two policy briefs…