G2LM|LIC proudly announces the launch of IZA/FCDO Online Development Economics Course for Sub-Saharan Africa. On 17th September, the course began with 1440 participants from 43 countries. Over a period of two months, the participants will be guided through a combination of recorded lectures and live sessions every week. The course is taught by Professors Oriana Bandiera and Robin Burgess of the London School of Economics and aims at helping students explore the microeconomic foundations of economic development. The course will follow the arc of Development starting with the analysis of small subsistence entrepreneurs (normally in agriculture) and ending with large complex multinational enterprises. It will analyze how man-made organizations trade with one another, how they affect the environment in which they are located in and how the environment affects them in return. Finally the course will address the role of the state in representing citizen’s interests and their will, regulating markets, coordinating economic activities and containing externalities.
The course is a step towards making economics a more accessible discipline, focusing on the regions which have been traditionally underrepresented in this domain.